Friday, January 20, 2017


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Thursday, January 19, 2017


           Tomorrow is Inauguration Day. There are many who will celebrate with President-Elect Trump, while others may experience other emotions - loss, anxiety, maybe even anger. No matter where
you fall on the continuum of this political roller coaster, there is one thing that is for sure - GOD HAS NOT CHANGED

He is the same God who parted the Red Sea 
and provided manna in the wilderness. 
He is the same God who created the 
heavens and the earth and then sent His 
Son to die for our sins when we messed up. 
He can do all things and we can count 
on Him to keep every promise. 
His Word is truth. 

          So, while others may spend the weekend riveted to their televisions and phones, we at FOCUSED Ministries, Inc. are moving forward with business as usual. Our focus is indeed stayed on the One who is everlasting to everlasting - Christ Jesus!

 Join the discussion!

Trish Murray, Executive Director